Sell your old or new gold jewelry instantly at incredible rates in Karachi

or call at 0339-4099917 now

Get cash instantly by selling old gold jewelry

The Gold2Cash Advantage

  • Fast, Safe, and Discreet: Sell your gold jewelry and precious metals quickly, securely, and with complete privacy.
  • Best Price Guaranteed: We ensure the highest payout for your jewelry, beating any competitor’s offer.
  • Instant Cash: Receive cash on the spot once you accept our offer—no waiting involved.
  • Completely Free Process: Risk-free with no obligations or hidden fees.
  • Expert Appraisal: Your jewelry is evaluated by experienced professionals to ensure accurate and fair pricing.
  • Transparent and Honest: Our straightforward process ensures you know exactly what to expect, with no hidden surprises.
  • Customer Satisfaction Focus: We prioritize your satisfaction, offering a hassle-free experience and exceptional customer service.
Immediately sell your gold jewelry at amazing rates

Our Process


Visit Our Outlet

Bring your jewelry to our outlet at Shop # 57, Murshid Bazar, Saddar, Karachi.


Get Jewelry Assessed

Hand over your jewelry so we can evaluate its value.


Get Quotation

After assessment, we’ll provide you with a no-obligation price quotation.


Get Paid Instantly

If you accept the quotation, we’ll purchase your jewelry and pay you the agreed amount.

What We Buy

Gold2Cash is more than just a cash-for-gold service. We purchase all items containing gold or other precious metals and offer you the highest payouts.

Gold Jewelry

We purchase all types of gold jewelry, including rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and pendants, regardless of purity and condition.

Silver Jewelry & Silverware

We buy all kinds of silver jewelry, as well as silverware such as spoons, plates, glasses, and other utensils.

Why Sell Your Gold Jewelry?

Historically High Prices

Gold prices are at or near historical highs, making it an excellent time to sell your gold jewelry and maximize your returns.

Unexpected Expense

Life is unpredictable, and selling gold jewelry can provide quick cash to cover unforeseen bills or emergencies.

Pay-off Debt

Selling unused gold jewelry can help you pay off debts, reduce interest payments, and achieve financial freedom.

Broken Jewelry

Have broken or outdated jewelry? Turn it into cash instead of letting it gather dust in a drawer.

Financing a House

Selling gold jewelry can provide the extra funds you need for a down payment on a new home or property.

Purchasing a Car

Use the proceeds from selling gold jewelry to upgrade your car or make a significant purchase.